Do you want the components or parts manufactured by your company to be of top-notch quality when integrated into various sectors for their respective quality? Then opting for non-destructive testing could help determine whether the products need enhancement.
The non-destructive testing comprises techniques usually handled by non-destructive testing inspectors who oversee everything from start to finish to ensure the components don’t cause any problems from now on in the production line.
In non-destructive testing, the components are monitored without causing any damage using various principles laid down by physics, chemistry, and mathematics.
You should be aware of a few non-destructive inspection techniques. Therefore, here in this article, we have made a listicle of all the types for you to understand every one of them in a broader aspect.
Infrared testing
The most common technique practiced by non-destructive testing inspectors is an infrared testing method that follows the thermal wave imaging rules. Even infrared non-destructive testing is divided into two smaller parts, known as active and passive thermography.
An external heat source inspects the part for the active method. In passive thermography, an external heat source is not used to inspect the product wisely.
Suppose you believe in those methods that have been delivering for an extended period without showing any sign of a problem. In that case, you should opt for infrared non-destructive testing.
Radiography testing
If you are willing to test the components produced by your company through non-destructive testing, then the radiographic testing method could be the one for you. Here in this process, X- or gamma radiation is primarily used to find any problems regarding the manufactured parts.
The radiation generated by the X-ray machine falls into the material to find any damages which might be present on the component. A detector is present alongside the parts that capture the radiation emitted from the source, allowing the non-destructive testing inspectors to get the components’ results.
Visual testing
Suppose your company is the necessary capital which is needed to invest in various techniques that are used in non-destructive testing. In such cases, visual testing is an ideal option for most businesses.
When it comes to visual testing, you are only required to hire a non-destructive testing inspector who will thoroughly check the components the company produces to find any irregularities.
Most importantly, compared to other types of non-destructive testing, the method of visual inspection is carried out regularly to check the condition of the parts effectively.
Acoustic emission testing
Does the production process carried out by your company involve materials that have a higher probability of bursting out from the system? Hence, to stop such a thing, the business deploys acoustic emission testing to find any defects in the asset.
Using this method, you could identify any threats hindering the asset that might result in a burst due to a specific condition.
The companies that specialize in the production of pipelines, storage containers, or high-pressured vessels are the ones that choose to use acoustic emission testing for them.
Liquid penetrant testing
Compared to all the other non-destructive testing methods, liquid penetrant testing is entirely supervised by non-destructive testing inspectors. They carry a liquid coating with a visible dye or fluorescent inside of it, which is then applied to the asset to identify any cracks or defects on the asset’s surface.
After applying the solution, it would take a minimal amount of time as the dye settles in and indicates where are the possible damages present in the system. You can then use ultraviolet light to remove the dye to find the damages on the asset.
Magnetic particle testing
When it comes to magnetic particle testing, the defects present on the asset are found by disrupting the magnetic field flow all around the material. The non-destructive testing inspectors carry a specific quantity of iron particles sprinkled over the asset to identify defects.
Furthermore, by visually inspecting with the help of non-destructive testing inspectors, you would quickly identify which places the defects are present on the asset effectively.
Sometimes testing the components before they are introduced in the production line could result in damages that could effectively lead to their rejection.
That is why non-destructive testing is followed by the majority of industries these days, which not only clears the product’s quality but also helps identify the defects that are present in it.
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